Check out the behind the scenes video I shot using a the awesome app Video Star!
Although it takes a back seat to the HD video shot and edited by, the great photographer, Bernadette. Video link here.
It would be a sin not to include my Instagram pics!
Wedding/Event Styling + Floral :: The Bliss Life {TheBlissLife.com}
Models :: Taylor + Brianna at Ignite Models Inc {Ignite-Models.com}
Hair + Make Up :: Amber Rose Hair + Makeup {AmberRoseHairandMakeup.com}
Dresses :: Flutter Boutique {FlutterBoutique.com}
Custom Veils/Head Pieces :: Something Borrowed Bride {SomethingBorrowedBride.com}
Furniture Accessories :: A Vintage Touch, Wedding and Event Rentals {facebook.com/AVintageTouch}
Wardrobe/Accessory Stylist :: Emily Moore {EmilymMoore.com}
Photography Assistants :: Kimberly Niedenfuer + Anthony Acosta